Saturday, March 28, 2009

County Salary Comparisons

As published by the Kent County Education Association, Kentwood's salary comparisons for 2008/2009 are shown below. 21 districts are compared, listed in order from greatest to least. Our ranking is listed in our place from the top pay. Example: 11th means there are 10 other districts ranked above us in pay for that step and degree.

Kentwood's Rankings
BA Step 1 - 17 th
BA Step 5 - 13th
BA Step 10 - listed at 13th but due to step freeze the amount should be less and the ranking should be 17th
BA Step 15 - 12th
BA Step 20 - 18th
BA Step 25 - 19th
BA Max - 20th

BA Plus Step 1 - 16th
BA Plus Step 5 - 14th
BA Plus Step 10 - listed as 13th but due to step freeze the amount should be less and ranking should be 19th
BA Plus Step 15 - listed as 15th but due to step freeze the amount should be less and the ranking should be 14th
BA Plus Step 20 - listed as 15th but due to step freeze the amount should be less; ranking remains the same
BA Plus Step 25 - listed as 15th but due to step freeze the amount should be less; ranking remains the same
BA Plus Step Max - 19th

MA Step 1 - 15th
MA Step 5 - 13th
MA Step 10 - listed as 13th but due to step freeze the amount should be less and the ranking should be 17th
MA Step 15 - listed as 12th but due to step freeze the amount should be less and the ranking should be 13th
MA Step 20 - listed as 12th but due to step freeze the amount should be less and the ranking should be 15th
MA Step 25 - listed as 15th but due to step freeze the amound should be less; ranking remains the same
MA Max - 17th

MA +30 Step 1 - 15th
MA +30 Step 5 - 17th
MA +30 Step 10 - listed as 16th but due to step freeze the amount should be less and the ranking should be 19th
MA +30 Step 15 - listed as 16th but due to step freeze the amount should be less and the ranking should be 17th
MA +30 Step 20 - listed as 14th but due to step freeze the amount should be less and the ranking should be 16th
MA +30 Step 25 - listed as 12th but due to step freeze the amount should be less and the 14th
MA +30 Step Max - 17th

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